Fulton County Amateur Radio Club (FCARC) in association with Fulton Lodge No. 248 Free & Accepted Masons, Grand Lodge of Ohio
~ CQ More Light ~
Masonic Lodges on the Air
Official Contest Rules
To promote public awareness of ham radio and Freemasonry; to promote fraternal bonds within the ranks of Free & Accepted Masonic Lodges and its many Amateur Radio operators who are also brothers in the fraternity; and to encourage contact with other Amateur Radio Operators around the state, country, and world. You do not need to be a Mason to participate, but do get permission from your local lodge to contest from their property.
Competing stations should be operated from as many Masonic Lodges as possible. Making contacts from a Masonic Lodge to other Masonic Lodges is the goal all stations should strive for. Note: stations not located in a Masonic Lodge may only contact stations operating from inside a Masonic Lodge.
Contest Period
First Saturday following the Autumnal Equinox, unless the Equinox is on a Saturday, in which case it will occur on the day of the Equinox - 1400 UTC to 2200 UTC (10 am - 6 pm ET). Eight hours.
Contest Dates
5th MLOTA – September 27, 2025 6th MLOTA – September 26, 2026 7th MLOTA - September 25, 2027
Always the Saturday of, or immediately following the Autumnal Equinox.
Modes and Bands
- Modes of Operation: SSB only.
- Amateur Radio Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.
- Please honor all band plans. All contacts must be in the Phone portion of the bands.
- Stations may be worked once on each band.
Suggested Frequencies
These are only suggested frequencies. Operators should use good amateur radio practices and be considerate of others - do not cause interference.
Band (Meters) | Phone (MHz) |
80 | 3.825 |
40 | 7.200 |
20 | 14.250 |
15 | 21.300 |
10 | 28.450 |
Entry Categories
- MML - Multi-Op Multi-Transmitter located at one Masonic Lodge
- MSL - Multi-Op Single-Transmitter located at one Masonic Lodge
- SL - Single Operator located at one Masonic Lodge
- OUT - Operator (Single or Multi) outside of a Masonic Lodge (low or high power)
Entry Category Definitions
Single Operator Entry: One person (one call sign) performs all operating and logging functions. Only one transmitted signal is permitted on the air at any time.
Multi-Op Multi-Transmitter Entry: Entries where more than one person performs the operating and/or logging functions using more than one transmitter. Multi-Op Multi-Transmitter entries may employ multiple transmitters simultaneously on different bands. One call sign used.
Multi-Op Single-Transmitter Entry: Entries where one or more persons perform the operating and/or logging functions using only one transmitter. One call sign used.
- Stations operating from a Masonic Lodge send their call sign, their Lodge Name and Number, and Jurisdiction.
Example: "K8BXQ, Fulton 248, Ohio"
- Stations NOT operating from a Masonic Lodge send their call sign and State or Province.
Example: "KD8KBU, Indiana"
- DX stations outside of W/VE send call sign and "DX".
Example: "VE3AAA or XE2BBB or GB4AA are all DX"
Exchanges can be: Lodge Number (ie: 248), State 2 letter abbreviation (ie: OH) or DX if outside the USA (all of Canada and Mexico are DX).
All contest stations must be in or on the property of the Masonic Lodge they are reporting to be transmitting from. You cannot pull off of the road near a Lodge and claim to be at that Lodge.
- QSO POINTS - Each complete non-duplicate contact is worth one point.
- MULTIPLIERS - Multipliers are the number of Lodges worked (1 per lodge across any band, working the same lodge on 80 and 40 still is only a single multiplier), the Lodge you are working from counts as a multiplier also.
- FINAL SCORE - Multiply QSO points by the total number of multipliers.
- Summary sheets can be submitted using a webform here: http://cqmorelight.com/summary
Your log must be submitted as a Cabrillo format (not a copy, or a picture of the Cabrillo log, but the actual log file). No ADIF, no CVS, no Text files - send in a standard Cabrillo file only. You still need a Summary Sheet included, even with a Cabrillo file.- Logs can be of Cabrillo, ADIF, CSV, text, or even Excel, provided they include the QSO details: UTC Time, Band, Call Sign, and Exchange/Report
Note: ONLY Cabrillo logs will be accepted - no more paper logs can be submitted. The scoring mechanism requires only Cabrillo logs.Files from word processing, spreadsheet programs or “bin” type logging program files are not valid or usable.Any electronic file that is not submitted in required format will not be eligible for competition and awards.- A paper printout for a log that has been generated by a computer in lieu of the actual data file in the required format is not an acceptable substitute.
- Paper logs that are entered into a logging program or computer after the contest are considered electronic logs and must be submitted via e-mail
in Cabrillo formataccording to the previously stated quidelines.
K8BXQ operating from Fulton Lodge No. 248 (248) - 10 contacts on 80 meters, 15 contacts on 40 meters, 12 contacts on 15 meters, Total Contacts = 37, Number of different Masonic Lodges contacted = 9 plus (248), Total score = 10 x 37 = 370 points.
- Call signs and exchange information must be received, confirmed and logged by both stations for a complete contest QSO.
- No cross-mode contacts and no credit for contacts made through repeaters or satellites.
- Please honor all band plans. All contacts must be in Phone (SSB) and in the Phone portion of the bands.
- No station may claim simultaneous operation of the same call sign in more than one Masonic Lodge,
- No individual shall make a QSO utilizing more than one call sign.
- Multi-Operator entries may only use one call sign during the contest.
- When operating from a Lodge Temple hosting multiple Masonic Organizations, please pick a single Lodge Name and Number to represent. Example: Defiance Lodge Temple hosts Omega 564 and Sherwood 620, radio operators must choose one of those lodges to represent under their call sign for the duration of the contest.
- If you have multiple operators, ensure the current operator holds the same class license as the call sign being used. If not, a control operator that holds the higher license must be present - this is an FCC regulation.
- A scoring summary sheet MUST be included with all logs (http://cqmorelight.com/summary)
- Soliciting for contacts is encouraged to promote more contacts being made during the contest. You can ask a station to meet you on a different band in order to make an additional contact.
- Use of spotting networks is allowed. Since the use of mobile smart phones and wi-fi is now commonplace, looking up spots on clusters is easy to do. This will encourage additional contacts for everyone during the contest.
- Remote operations are not allowed. Remote operations are defined as an operator having a transmitter at one location (example: in a Masonic Lodge) and is controlling it remotely from another location (example: from home). Or an operator has a receiver in a different location than the transmitter where the operator is located. For this contest the operator(s), transmitter(s) and receiver(s) must be in the same location.
- If you are multi-op, you can get assistance from other humans in your operation. We encourage the monitoring of packet or spotting systems during the contest so additional awareness of the contest can be made to encourage participation during the contest.
- Obviously, cheating isn't allowed. This includes operating more than 8 hours and trying to make it look like you operated only 8. It means running more power than you are supposed to in your category. Using other means such as QRZ.COM to fill in those missing or questionable call signs is not allowed. This is a RADIO contest and you should put in your log what you heard during the contest - not what you found on the internet afterwards.
- Decisions of the Masonic Lodges On The Air Contest Committee are final.
- A scoring summary sheet MUST be included with all logs showing entrant's call sign, operating location, and claimed score. (http://cqmorelight.com/summary)
- Logs must clearly indicate UTC time (not local time), Band, Mode, Call Sign Contacted, State/DX, or Lodge Number received for all QSOs as applicable.
- Send E-mailed log(s) with a completed summary sheet(s) (if you did not use the online Summary form) to LOGS@cqmorelight.com and must be sent in no later than 14 days after the end of the contest. Logs arriving after the 14 day entry window will be considered check logs.
- Operating aids (rules, summary sheet, text file summary sheet, and other information) are available for downloading in PDF format from the: Masonic Lodges On The Air web site at: www.cqmorelight.com.
- By submitting a Masonic Lodges On The Air (MLOTA) contest log, and in consideration of the efforts of the MLOTA Committee to review and evaluate that log, an entrant unconditionally and irrevocably agrees that he/she has:
- read and understood the rules of the contest and agrees to be bound by them,
- operated according to all rules and regulations that pertain to amateur radio for the station location,
- agreed the log entry may be made open to the public, and
- accepted that the issuing of disqualifications and other decisions of the Committee are official and final.
If an entrant is unwilling or unable to agree to all of the rules, the entrant should not submit the entry or submit the entry as a Checklog only.
- Final results will be posted on the MLOTA web site.
Reasons Why Your Log May Be Considered a ‘Checklog’
- No Summary Sheet included with entry - or it is filled out incorrectly
- Not Legible - If the judges cannot read your writing, we can’t verify your entry
- Log missing - UTC times not listed - band or proper exchanges missing
- Log and Summary sheet arrive past the due date
Certificates will be awarded to: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place - in each of the entry categories